Set the redcarpet!


Its time to wrap this week once again! This week have been full of videos, happy people, lectures aaaaaand work. I was really looking forward to this week when I heard that we get into videos and editing. It was very intresting  but I think I was little bit too excited and I will tell you why later!  We also had interesting lecture about customers behaviours and AFS ( American Field Service).

So about this video editing lecture! I have been always interested about videos and have done couple of them by myself, mostly some football videos. I have always used Windows movie maker but now i hoped that i`d get to know some other editing tool or some new tricks to Windows movie maker but the lecture didn`t make it to that point. Old student Viveka gave us a very good lecture about videos and apple iMovie editing tool. There is many things that effect to video quality like voice, camera angle and lightning. It was interesting but kind a Basic stuff. The most interesting thing was to get to know iMovie and how was it like.  However i think I`m never going to use it but it was interesting to see the differences between imovie and Windows moviemaker. After this some guy (im sorry i have no idea what was his name) told us basics about Windows moviemaker and paid sony vegas. I had never heard about sony vegas and it was interesting to see how was it like. It seemed very professional but for me it also seemed very difficult to use. For me the most interesting thing was to hear that there is this adobe premiere program for professional video editing. I have been searching something like this quite long but i havent had no idea what is good! After the lecture i went  home and got familiar with this adobe premiere and for me it seemed very cool and i thing i´m probably going to buy it at some stage. I´ll put the link to the adobe page if somebody wants to check it ouuuut! There were also very interesting tutorial videos for it!

After the lectures we got the assigment to make presentation video for our group. It was lots of fun and the video was good! i´ll put that at the end of the blog!:)


On thursday we get to know some facts about customers behaviours. Lecture was kept By some guy from the Nielsen Company  ( ). It was interesting to get to know what are things that gaught the shoppers eye or where they look at first and how long it takes to make shopping decides. After this we get to familiar with AFS, which take care exhange students and try to get finnish families to host exhange students. That wasnt so intresting for me but it was nice to see one of Laurea student doing her internship for AFS.

From Nielsen Company lecture

End of my week was pretty chill and I finally had time to be with my friends! That was nice and i hope to be as happy at the end of the next week as Im now, and I hope you are too! BUT NOW take our popcorns and get ready for this amazing, sensuel, interesting, professional, hollywood type of sh***eet! Ladies and gentlemans 2 lit for you presentation video!!!

Something brand new!

Hello guys!

Welcome to my first blog! My name is Ilari and Im 21 years old business student from Espoo. I study in Laurea University of Applied Sciences in Otaniemi. I just started my second year there and participate to a course called business in a digital word. This blog is one of the assignments of the course so im going to be writing here every week of my feelings, what i have been learning, things about digital business and what have been going on with me besides school. I have never done blog before and this is something brand new to me but im very excited and ready to do this, I hope you are too!:)


So yeea! First week of school was very intresting but also a bit challenging. At the first lecture Anna Ikonen told all the Basic facts about the course and what we are going to do. I have to admit that at first i wasn`t so excited about this course because it seemed so confusing and workful. But when our digicoaches took us to their loving hands, i started to realize what this course was about and how there is lots of interesting parts inside this course like video editing, what was turningpoint for my feelings, i cant wait to do that! All the lectures and assigments are in english and at first it was hard for me to get used to using english, but now im more comfortable with it and i try to understand as much as i can 😀 In my group there is couple of exhange students so my english propably will get better during this course. After the first schoolday  i went to work but after that at the evening i started to feel sickness and i threw up ;( Maybe my first day excitement fell through at the evening, i dont know haha but almost the rest of the week went in stomach flu.

Henkilön Anna Ikonen kuva.

First day team meeting

At the second lecture we got into the blogging. Lecture was at the end of the week and i was lucky to be in better shape. We got to know couple of platforms that we can use to do your blogs and some good intresting facts about blogging. Things that I found  interesting and which stayed on my mind were the heatmap and what different colors mean. The heatmap showed where people click the most and what are the main points on the page. I thought it was interesting fact that i have never even thought about.


Like i said also slide about colors stayed on my mind. It was interesting to know how different colors effect and what each  color means. I noticed that i have been thinking same way of some colors like blue that creates the sensation of trust and security and is often used in banks and businesses. I was a bit suprised that orange has been thought to be an aggressive color. But of course that is a bright color and it gets your attetion easily so i will keep that in mind. Also interesting was that green is easy on the eye. I think all of these will be useful in the future.

                                                                            My drunk friends

The week was pretty normal except my sickness. Some school and some work and also some partying in the end of the week at the first party of the year. That was a lot of fun and it was good to get some relaxing after a challenging week! Im looking forward to this course and hope that you will stay with me!

see you later!:)