Rags to Riche$!


Im in a bit of rush with my another school assigments but Im always ready for you guys so here is my this week blogpost! I was pretty flattered after my last post becouse I got some good feedback and I get to know that I have potential with this so there is only one way now:) I also get some good tips how to make my blog better so hopefully you guys notice some differences:)


This week have been so full of different happenings that I have hard time to even remember them all 😀 But but but put put put hmm on monday we started your new Project and get to know about the Company SSM (suomen suoramainonta) which is the one who we do the Project for. SSM distribute free newspaper like länsiväylä and different kind of junkmail. Their group sales was 45 milj in 2016. I have been working for them as a distributor when I was young but for me that work was so underisable and I quit it after couples of months. Im a bit confused about our Project task but hopefully I understand it better on next week! So for that I really dont have anything more to say, now we just need start working!


On tuesday we went to Laurea leppävaara campus for Network to get work event. There was many good lectures but for me the investing lecture was the best! It was held By some nordnet guy who really get me interested about investing! My sister works at the bank and after the lecture I asked her what she know about investing and I get a bit suprised when she told that she is their investing adviser, so yea she probably knows pretty well haha:D Now Im waiting her to told me some more so I can start investing! The main thing and tip what I learn was to start investing as young as you can! So if you arent yet, you should start!

$$$ With my mind on my money on my money on my mind! (click the link if you dont know the song!) $$$

From the Network to get work event and some enjoynable caffee!


On thursday we had also pretty interesting and very positive lecture! This old original gangster Petteri Avilia talks us about attitude and how you can change and be better you. It was interesting to heard Petteri`s life and how hard it has been and how succesful he is nowadays! Petteri told us that he has been in prison and get stapped and everything like that but now he didnt seem anything like old prisoner. He was very happy and positive, energetic person! His story really get me thinging how people can change and make differens! I also need to give big hand for petteri becouse he told that on that day he probably see his mother last time becouse she`s very sick but still come to keep the lecture for us and after that drive to visit his mom in Turku! That kind of act needs very strong people!!

We also did some work task given By our great digicoach Pyry. The assigment was to provide  Espa`s (Etelä Espoon pallo) marketing. It was nice assigment becouse it was about football and i would love to get more football culture to Espoo! But need to remember that i play in the rival team FC Espoo so no need to help Espa too much ;D After that we went to the freshmans after party!

Pousi and beer!

I feel like this week has been so full of digitalization and eservices that i think i need some break and start to write letters on paper like in good old times 😀 I hope I can get a bit more rest on next week this week was so hurried with school, work and social life. But still this week was pretty cool and I learned much! I put this song here becouse it rapped my digital week pretty well! Lyrics also talks same things that Petteri:) I think i handle the netiketti!

To the next week mates!:)





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