Ding Dong!

Holatsu boiboiii!

Hello hello and welcome once again to Digilari blog!:) This week has been pretty normal except I finally got new phone!! At school this week wasnt so interesting for me but there was some good moments also:) so lets get ready to rumble!

No more mondays

So on monday we had two lectures and the first lecture was about social media marketing. I was really tired on that day because I finally tried to watch Super bowl at night first time ever. I though its one of those “have to do in life things”, but i didnt manage to the end, it was tooo hard. So maybe because of that my monday was like blaah and I just wanted to get home.. But back to the lecture!Our lovely teacher Anna Ikonen held it but I have to say I really dont remember much for it:/ ( So Anna if you are reading this im sorry! I was just too tired!) but there was couple interesting videos which get me interested! After that we had another lecture about business and service desing. This women Anu kept good lecture but it just didnt interested me. There was this one picture tho that i remember! There was this iceberg illusion, which showed that peoples doesnt always see how hard work it need to do or make something, all they see is the success but not that what you have done to get there where you at now! that stayed on my mind. I lost all my notes and pictures of this week lectures because of my phone change so Im really having some hard times to remember what we had this week 😦 Also sorry for missing photos..

New Phone finally!

Thursday was o good day! I finally get new phone! I broke my last phone like month ago so thats why this feel pretty good:) I bought iphone 6S and I have been very satisfied with this! We had also lecture on thursday but still no… nothing… I just feel like this:

that picture compress my hole week 😀 But the lecture was about inbound marketing By hubSpot, I just dont have nothing to say for that..

On friday I did something I have never done before! I went to the Nuuksio and filmed some nice nature film:) I told my earlyer post that im interesting on video editing and making films and now when I finally had some good phone and camera there I desiced to do this:) I dowloaded the adobe premiere pro test version and used that for editing! It was good but there is so much different things that you can do so I was a bit confused 😀 If you want to see it you can watch it from my Facebook profile.

I hope next week Ill be more lively and get more from all the lectures! I think this week was a little wake up call for me to be more focused on school! So better luck on next week!:)



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