Personal Best!


Whadap Homeboys! Its your Big Homie Digilari back at it again! I hope this week blogpost is better than the last one! that was pretty lame Im sorry for that! But lets start moving!


we started this week focusing on personal branding. Our teacher Anna Ikonen kept a very good lecture and this time i wasn`t so tired woop! Anna started the lecture by talking about big company`s and what comes in your mind when you hear Coca Cola? That get us to realize that every company make different promises just like you when you are branding yourself.  Its important to remember that your personal brand is combination of your image and reputation. You need to step up and stand out and think what make you different than others. These thinks stayed mainly on my mind.

After this Anna told us about Johari Window, which is a useful tool for undestanding self. There is four different areas where is my public self, my blind spots, my hidden self and my unconscious self.  After that we had a little practise! We write our own name on the paper and gave it to the people on your side who write what kind of a people you are. It was nice to get some compliments early on Monday Morning. I guess I have pretty good personal brand.

I remember there was this one slide where was written that Personal brand is what people say about you when you leave the room! That combine this all pretty well! The most interesting part was when Anna talked about visual side on personal branding. It was nicely say that People want to connect with people and if your name is your brand then your face is your logo. If you are looking through social media you see these blurred and bad pictures which doesn`t help you to increase your brand, its important to have good pictures!! This lecture was so much more interesting than last time, maybe because I slept very well and feel pretty lively on Monday! Its nice to notice how much your vitality effects your studying.


On Monday Anna gave us assigment to take elevator pitch. Elevator pitch is a short sales pitch, that is a summary used to quickly and simply define a process, product, service, organization, or event and its value proposition. Our elevator pitch was for job aplication, So here is link for that: Elevator pitch.  Special thanks to my friends Mikael for shooting and Lithuanian Jussi for helping me with google drive!


on Thursday Anna Ikonen didnt make it to the school at first so our digicoaches kept the lecture for us. First we talked about tips how to be confident and relaxed during presentations. Digicoach Viliina talked about performer, audience and the surroundings. Viliina talked also about what you need to do besides talking, like dont show your back to audience and so on. You might be nervous when you are perfoming so there is couple of thing you need to focus on like gaze, shoulders, hands(dont cover yourself with them). One thing that stayed on my mind is that you need to be interested about audience and take eye contact with them. Viliina kept very good lecture and it was clear that she has done perfoming before at theatre. I find this interesting video about how to take presentation like Steve jobs. I think those tips was also pretty cool so check it out!

Viliina giving it all! BOOM!

After that we had guest speaker who was from company named Vakuutuskettu. They havent launched yet but the lecture was about their new products,witch are about insurances. First we talked about that insurance Products with are according to surveys not interesting but rather complex and difficult to compare. But is about to change that, they compare insurances for you. The main thing that vakuutuskettu tryes to do is make things easier. I thinks this is a good thing because in Finland we dont have any services (or I have never heard them) to comparing insurances. Allthrough this lecture wasn`t so interesting for me so enough with that!:)


Besides school my week has been pretty relaxed and easy, not too much work or school. After school On Thursday  i went to the magnetic resonance imaging to check what`s wrong with my knee. On friday my friend from lithuania was visiting at Finland so we went to Löyly at Helsinki do some school work. I also had nice weekend with my sister we went to bowling and pizzahut. I think meatfeast at pizzahut is one of the best pizza in the world, so delicious! But yeah I manage to go through this week pretty well, I was focused on school and taking easy at home! 

See you next week!:)


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