
So heijsan to you all! I have lots of things to tell you guys about this week so lets ROLL straight to mondayyy boom!:)


On Monday we had lecture about world of marketing and technology and also a game jam. The lecture was kept by Aida Hubarik who is a former student from laurea.  At first Aida gave us some intro about world of marketing and technology. There was couple cases about Microsoft and Samsung. After that Aida introduced Game Jam. Game Jams have been organized for several years around the world and also Laurea participate to that. In Game Jam you need to develop an idea into a potentially innovative solution around specific themes and make a new game. She also showed the winning game ”Hungry Cells” to us. It was about childrens to make healthier choices and teach them through the game about better lifestyle. It was designed childrens who are between 7- 12 years old. Then Aida told us how to apply games and applications into business and services. There was also one case called Cuckoo Workout, which is a finnish start up company whose business idea is to reduce sedentary during the day as well as substantially increase alertness and concentration for workers and its a online application.  We also had a little exercise before lunch which was pretty fun.

Second lecture was more about Aida and her lifestory. Aida also talked about unshakable possibilities and self-management. Aida talked about her hometown Sarajevo and showed us a amazing video from there. Aida was living in there through the war and it was pretty ruff lifestory. Hard to imagine what some peoples have been going trough. Big thanks to Aida for charing her story with us, it was very interesting. Then Aida told us her own company Aidahubanic. The mainthing about Aidahubanic is motivating and mentoring! 

We did also our SSM project on Monday. We meet up and divided the tasks to each other and started to working. I think our SSM project is going pretty well we are moving on forward.  


On Wednesday i went  e comptence event in messukeskus. There was a little broblems with the event because student wasnt allowed to go there. The info came very late and then it was told that if you dont go to the event you need to be at lecture on Thursday. I had no choice because I had to go work on Thursday so I tried to sneak in to the messukeskus.  Luckily everything went well and there was no broblem if you were student.

So at first we went to hear guest speaker Sani Leino. He was talking about digitalization, social media and virtual reality. Sani has been also in our school and its amazing how good performance skills someone could have! Its clear that now a days peoples use lots of different devices and applications. Sani showed slide about which social medias are most popular. First one was facebook which wasn`t big suprise but after that the few next one was all these chat and communication medias like whatsapp. It was interesting to notice that for example instagram was quite low on the list. Sani also summarized world`s digital sitsuation. He showed the slide which told that there is 7.476 billion total population, 3.773 billion internet users and 2.789 billion social media user. Those are big numbers but there is still very much peoples who doesn`t use any medias and that gives a good possibility to grow digitalization. Sani also show a video of some company who does these virtual reality instruments. It was cool that when u had those virtual classes on you can see everything in front of your eyes and touch them and read your emails for example.

Second lecture was about how data change b2b sales and marketing. The lecture was kept by Iiro Lamppu who is enterprise team leader, partner at Vainu.  He talked lots about b2b sales but mainly what stayed on my mind was these three possibilitys for online shop. First one was automatic fill of data and base on that a better client experience. Then there was proposition of external data which was related to this Vainu company and third one was internationality of online shops. This lecture wasn`t as good and interesting than Sani Leino`s lecture but still good lecture.

Third lecture was about this company boomerang. They do lots of different kind of distributions. This lecture was only like company introduction and nothing more. Boomerang has production in Tallinn, Estonia and they have domestic and global distribution. They have also more services like pick & pack, return handling, assembling and packing of products, warehousing, B2C & retail, transportation and import & custom services. Boomerang does distribution to 107 countries so they are pretty large company.

Between lectures we went to downstares to eat for free because there was these food fair. That was probably the greatest point off all when I did get all these free pizza slices, hamburgers,icecream and cheesecake oo jee yammi yammi!


So Thursday I was working. I actually worked three days a row on Thursday to Saturday. The workdays was pretty busy beacause Iso Omena started their sale campaing Lohkotut hinnat. Luckily I have very great workbuddies so the weekend was still nice even tho it went as working. Also the weather did make me so happy sun is finally shining! Looking forward to summer and I hope you are too! Aijaaiiijaiii see you next week!:)

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