Marketing future

So hi to you all! I have to say im not now on a right mood to write o blog and Im sorry for that! I sprained my knee at the football match and we also lost the game and drop of from regions cup so for that reason I really dont feel like to do this blog but I try to make an effort. So lets move on!


The start of this week was really great. We went to visit marketing Company called TBWA. The Place was kind a stereotypic for marketing Company and the mood was really hipster. The Place was really cool tho and I have never seen such a cool toilets in any companys 😀 Also the lecture was really good! One of the best actually. Those young guys who kept the lecture was really good at talking and it was interesting to hear how marketing Company works. There have been lots of changes in marketing because now a days marketing is more on a social media not only on a tv adds.  They also had really cool slides and visuals which showed very well what they have done. They told example what they have done for Neste oil. There was couple of cool videos and different ideas how to improve our future and help the earth. I have never listened any lectures this accurately and I really liked this Company visit.


Here im listening closely through my phone :))))))


On thursday we had couple of guest speakers. The first one was the one that I was waiting the most because our old teacher came to hold that. This teacher Ilkka Kurkela is really positive people and it always easy to get interesting about everything what Ilkka is talking about. Ilkka started the lecture By talking about some cool stories where the mainpoint was that you should never give up. He also told about different medias and digital strategies. He also told us that we should try apps more, there is lots of potential in different apps to make life easier. The lecture was really good and Ilkka really share the positive atmosphere to us all.

After that we had guest speaker from Company called drum. they are Pr. agency and they make things happen. Overall this lecture went bit past me and I dont remember much for it but just to let you know that we had also this kind of lecture so yeaaa haha:D

Huuh! I manage to get to the end! As I told at first this sunday wasn`t best for me but im still ready for the next week! So see you then with a better mood! Byee!:)

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