Well hello!

This week was pretty busy and exciting! We did finally get our keys to our new home so YEA YEA! at school we had one Project  which was kind a nice and instructive. But without bigger talks lets move to the mondayyy!


So yes the monday.. haha well it started like this:

“prr prr (that means alarm clock) OH SH*T im late”

“Hurry hurry..hmmm..did I had something to do”


and so on! So monday Morning at nine a clock I finally remembered that i haven`t done my blog. But luckily I have some quick fingers and at ten a clock I was ready!  But then finally this week started:D At first we had guest speaker from Heinon Tukku who told us about them new food delivery application which sounded very interesting. After that he gave us a two assignment. My group picked the first one where we needed to think about customer path. It was nice assigment, not so hard but still fun. We put our smart heads together and figure out kind a great customer path for this application.


On thursday we did our customer path presentation for the Heinon tukku dyyds. Me, Olli and Sami was doing the presentation and I thing it went kind a well compared to how much we did prepared to it. I was a bit nervous at first but then I relaxed. After that we listened every other groups presentations and then we were free to go home!

After school we went to get our keys to new home! then we started to move our things, the Place isn`t ready yet but slowly this man cave will be ready for friends and good football studios. We all ready did cool curtain from our football scarfs.

Overall week was full of moving and work. I was working all weekend so im pretty tired right now. I have to say I really like my job, if there is a quiet my female workbuddies make me try all different clothes! easy money $$$

Some summer swäg! come shopping mates!

While doing these blog I notice that its start to feel like my weeks are all the same haha 😀 But this is like this Basic weekday life is moving on and im with it. I know I told last week how this week blog is going to be better but now when I look this its kind small, but that`s because in school we didn`t had so much things what to tell you guys. But that it for this now see you next week!:)





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