Lucrative week!

damdidamdaaa another week is over once again!This week was pretty lucrative. We had some good guestspeaker and I manage to do my other schoolworks also ready so not bad at all. But let`s move to the mondays lecture which was pretty interesting!


First guestspeaker was Jari Laino who was from Aalto university. He talked about digitalization and IOT. First he asked us what is digitalization and when did it started. It was interesting to hear that internet came in around 1994. Then we talked about digitalization key drivers. There was four of them which was: consumer behavior, competitive innovations, cost reduction and technologies available.

There was some good points about consumer behaviours. Jari Laino said that Digital natives play with different rules. Comsumers are used to digital services and demand for more. Now a days easy of use is mandatory, otherwise consumers will walk away, which is true because if I think on my opinion if something wont work as I wanted or it isn`t easy I fustrated and stop using it. I want everything to be easy and fast and so does others.

About competitive innovations the slide told that there is two kind of types in this section. The ones who think “Because there is new business”. That means that start-ups are building innovative digital services and are breaking the existing value chains. Then the others who thinks “because others do”. That means traditional companies are challenged By start-ups and are forced to enter into digitalization.

The one key driver “Cost reduction” is kind a easy to gather. Its always important to make sure that your business is economically beneficial and digitalization is good help for that. Traditional companies see that digitalization will cut cost. Also Public sector can use digitalization to save cost so digitalization will help both.

One thing that also stayed on my mind what Jari did said that sales and marketing are mixed now a days. They are not separate anymore because you can just click to buy something while companys are marketing on internet, they market and sale at the same time. That was interesting point that I haven`t even though earlyer. Other thing what I remember now and was interesting was that in Finland 31% of finns are digital natives. Have to say that Jari kept really good lecture I was amazed and I really did learn something!

Second lecture was kept By Anna`s friend from Poland Marcin Arcisz. Im not going to tell this lecture as much because the first one kept me kind a busy and I though that was more interesting. But anyway he told about Company called Academic work who is a staffing and recruitment agency specializing to young professionals. They offer jobs for students who has ended their studies. Marcin also talked about new way of recruiting and showed some examples.  Marcin also was really good lecturer and clearly succesful guy!


So on Thursday we had one guestspeaker who talked about webpage desingning. Kwane Afreh was a former Laurea student who works now at webropol. First he told a bit about his backround then he gave some good examples what you need to notice when you are doing a webpage desingning. One mainthing that stayed on my mind was that you need to create a site map and wireframe. Aid that your visitors find what they are looking for within 3 seconds on their visit. It was a good lecture and Kwane gave us some good tips!

After that we had workshop kept by our lovely digicoach Viliina. She wanted to help us with our presentations and make us more comfortable when we are presenting something. It was really sad that I needed to get work before that :/


This week in school was interesting but beside school everything has been pretty normal. Although my week was made when I did get a new bed and TV to my room. Now I can play fifa all day long ❤ Weekend went in work and chilling with family and friends, so pretty good and lucrative week finally!:D Nothing to add we will see you next week! Couple more blogpost still to come and then I will probably stop this so enjoy still while you can:D to the next week!:)

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