
Finally it`s time for the last blogpost. This has been hard and long journey but still very learnful. I have also acquainted with many new great persons and it has been really nice to work with different kind of peoples. I did had many challenges and I think for me the biggest one was that everything was in english. But overall I think I distroyet my challenges pretty well 😉


So this week was the last week of this curse and I must say I was pretty relief for that. Even though this curse have been very interesting im really ready for summer Holiday. But in this week we had our final presentation for SSM. It went really well and Soryay, Sini and Floor kept really good presentation. My mainrole was to eat all the food that SSM served for us. That day was good and we also take some great video clips for our final video. I think this Project was much better way to show my skills than normal exam because im better in these kind of hands on things. On wednesday we edited our final video and I think it looks pretty good!


But what did I learn in this curse? First of all I learned blogging! And trough blogging I did get more comfortable on writing in english and it become more fluent than it has been. About blogging I did learn everything what you need to make a good blog. I did learn editing and what programs you could use for that. I learn how to be better at presenting and how to work in group where there is people from different countryes and you have to use english to make that work! I have learned much but now its just really hard to summarize it all 😀

Overall this curse has been full of great lectures and projects. Special thanks to our wonderful teacher Anna and all the digicoaches who did help us really much!:) But for me greatest thing in this week was our first season match against Espa 2 which did we won 0-4 and I did one goal! that felt really good! That picture under is our advert for the match which we did and I think this curse did help me to make it look nice even though its a bit blurry:/:D

But now its time to say gooodbye! This was my last post and unleast for now there isnt more to come! But thanks to all the readers! ❤

Lucrative week!

damdidamdaaa another week is over once again!This week was pretty lucrative. We had some good guestspeaker and I manage to do my other schoolworks also ready so not bad at all. But let`s move to the mondays lecture which was pretty interesting!


First guestspeaker was Jari Laino who was from Aalto university. He talked about digitalization and IOT. First he asked us what is digitalization and when did it started. It was interesting to hear that internet came in around 1994. Then we talked about digitalization key drivers. There was four of them which was: consumer behavior, competitive innovations, cost reduction and technologies available.

There was some good points about consumer behaviours. Jari Laino said that Digital natives play with different rules. Comsumers are used to digital services and demand for more. Now a days easy of use is mandatory, otherwise consumers will walk away, which is true because if I think on my opinion if something wont work as I wanted or it isn`t easy I fustrated and stop using it. I want everything to be easy and fast and so does others.

About competitive innovations the slide told that there is two kind of types in this section. The ones who think “Because there is new business”. That means that start-ups are building innovative digital services and are breaking the existing value chains. Then the others who thinks “because others do”. That means traditional companies are challenged By start-ups and are forced to enter into digitalization.

The one key driver “Cost reduction” is kind a easy to gather. Its always important to make sure that your business is economically beneficial and digitalization is good help for that. Traditional companies see that digitalization will cut cost. Also Public sector can use digitalization to save cost so digitalization will help both.

One thing that also stayed on my mind what Jari did said that sales and marketing are mixed now a days. They are not separate anymore because you can just click to buy something while companys are marketing on internet, they market and sale at the same time. That was interesting point that I haven`t even though earlyer. Other thing what I remember now and was interesting was that in Finland 31% of finns are digital natives. Have to say that Jari kept really good lecture I was amazed and I really did learn something!

Second lecture was kept By Anna`s friend from Poland Marcin Arcisz. Im not going to tell this lecture as much because the first one kept me kind a busy and I though that was more interesting. But anyway he told about Company called Academic work who is a staffing and recruitment agency specializing to young professionals. They offer jobs for students who has ended their studies. Marcin also talked about new way of recruiting and showed some examples.  Marcin also was really good lecturer and clearly succesful guy!


So on Thursday we had one guestspeaker who talked about webpage desingning. Kwane Afreh was a former Laurea student who works now at webropol. First he told a bit about his backround then he gave some good examples what you need to notice when you are doing a webpage desingning. One mainthing that stayed on my mind was that you need to create a site map and wireframe. Aid that your visitors find what they are looking for within 3 seconds on their visit. It was a good lecture and Kwane gave us some good tips!

After that we had workshop kept by our lovely digicoach Viliina. She wanted to help us with our presentations and make us more comfortable when we are presenting something. It was really sad that I needed to get work before that :/


This week in school was interesting but beside school everything has been pretty normal. Although my week was made when I did get a new bed and TV to my room. Now I can play fifa all day long ❤ Weekend went in work and chilling with family and friends, so pretty good and lucrative week finally!:D Nothing to add we will see you next week! Couple more blogpost still to come and then I will probably stop this so enjoy still while you can:D to the next week!:)



Well hello!

This week was pretty busy and exciting! We did finally get our keys to our new home so YEA YEA! at school we had one Project  which was kind a nice and instructive. But without bigger talks lets move to the mondayyy!


So yes the monday.. haha well it started like this:

“prr prr (that means alarm clock) OH SH*T im late”

“Hurry hurry..hmmm..did I had something to do”


and so on! So monday Morning at nine a clock I finally remembered that i haven`t done my blog. But luckily I have some quick fingers and at ten a clock I was ready!  But then finally this week started:D At first we had guest speaker from Heinon Tukku who told us about them new food delivery application which sounded very interesting. After that he gave us a two assignment. My group picked the first one where we needed to think about customer path. It was nice assigment, not so hard but still fun. We put our smart heads together and figure out kind a great customer path for this application.


On thursday we did our customer path presentation for the Heinon tukku dyyds. Me, Olli and Sami was doing the presentation and I thing it went kind a well compared to how much we did prepared to it. I was a bit nervous at first but then I relaxed. After that we listened every other groups presentations and then we were free to go home!

After school we went to get our keys to new home! then we started to move our things, the Place isn`t ready yet but slowly this man cave will be ready for friends and good football studios. We all ready did cool curtain from our football scarfs.

Overall week was full of moving and work. I was working all weekend so im pretty tired right now. I have to say I really like my job, if there is a quiet my female workbuddies make me try all different clothes! easy money $$$

Some summer swäg! come shopping mates!

While doing these blog I notice that its start to feel like my weeks are all the same haha 😀 But this is like this Basic weekday life is moving on and im with it. I know I told last week how this week blog is going to be better but now when I look this its kind small, but that`s because in school we didn`t had so much things what to tell you guys. But that it for this now see you next week!:)





Marketing future

So hi to you all! I have to say im not now on a right mood to write o blog and Im sorry for that! I sprained my knee at the football match and we also lost the game and drop of from regions cup so for that reason I really dont feel like to do this blog but I try to make an effort. So lets move on!


The start of this week was really great. We went to visit marketing Company called TBWA. The Place was kind a stereotypic for marketing Company and the mood was really hipster. The Place was really cool tho and I have never seen such a cool toilets in any companys 😀 Also the lecture was really good! One of the best actually. Those young guys who kept the lecture was really good at talking and it was interesting to hear how marketing Company works. There have been lots of changes in marketing because now a days marketing is more on a social media not only on a tv adds.  They also had really cool slides and visuals which showed very well what they have done. They told example what they have done for Neste oil. There was couple of cool videos and different ideas how to improve our future and help the earth. I have never listened any lectures this accurately and I really liked this Company visit.


Here im listening closely through my phone :))))))


On thursday we had couple of guest speakers. The first one was the one that I was waiting the most because our old teacher came to hold that. This teacher Ilkka Kurkela is really positive people and it always easy to get interesting about everything what Ilkka is talking about. Ilkka started the lecture By talking about some cool stories where the mainpoint was that you should never give up. He also told about different medias and digital strategies. He also told us that we should try apps more, there is lots of potential in different apps to make life easier. The lecture was really good and Ilkka really share the positive atmosphere to us all.

After that we had guest speaker from Company called drum. they are Pr. agency and they make things happen. Overall this lecture went bit past me and I dont remember much for it but just to let you know that we had also this kind of lecture so yeaaa haha:D

Huuh! I manage to get to the end! As I told at first this sunday wasn`t best for me but im still ready for the next week! So see you then with a better mood! Byee!:)


So heijsan to you all! I have lots of things to tell you guys about this week so lets ROLL straight to mondayyy boom!:)


On Monday we had lecture about world of marketing and technology and also a game jam. The lecture was kept by Aida Hubarik who is a former student from laurea.  At first Aida gave us some intro about world of marketing and technology. There was couple cases about Microsoft and Samsung. After that Aida introduced Game Jam. Game Jams have been organized for several years around the world and also Laurea participate to that. In Game Jam you need to develop an idea into a potentially innovative solution around specific themes and make a new game. She also showed the winning game ”Hungry Cells” to us. It was about childrens to make healthier choices and teach them through the game about better lifestyle. It was designed childrens who are between 7- 12 years old. Then Aida told us how to apply games and applications into business and services. There was also one case called Cuckoo Workout, which is a finnish start up company whose business idea is to reduce sedentary during the day as well as substantially increase alertness and concentration for workers and its a online application.  We also had a little exercise before lunch which was pretty fun.

Second lecture was more about Aida and her lifestory. Aida also talked about unshakable possibilities and self-management. Aida talked about her hometown Sarajevo and showed us a amazing video from there. Aida was living in there through the war and it was pretty ruff lifestory. Hard to imagine what some peoples have been going trough. Big thanks to Aida for charing her story with us, it was very interesting. Then Aida told us her own company Aidahubanic. The mainthing about Aidahubanic is motivating and mentoring! 

We did also our SSM project on Monday. We meet up and divided the tasks to each other and started to working. I think our SSM project is going pretty well we are moving on forward.  


On Wednesday i went  e comptence event in messukeskus. There was a little broblems with the event because student wasnt allowed to go there. The info came very late and then it was told that if you dont go to the event you need to be at lecture on Thursday. I had no choice because I had to go work on Thursday so I tried to sneak in to the messukeskus.  Luckily everything went well and there was no broblem if you were student.

So at first we went to hear guest speaker Sani Leino. He was talking about digitalization, social media and virtual reality. Sani has been also in our school and its amazing how good performance skills someone could have! Its clear that now a days peoples use lots of different devices and applications. Sani showed slide about which social medias are most popular. First one was facebook which wasn`t big suprise but after that the few next one was all these chat and communication medias like whatsapp. It was interesting to notice that for example instagram was quite low on the list. Sani also summarized world`s digital sitsuation. He showed the slide which told that there is 7.476 billion total population, 3.773 billion internet users and 2.789 billion social media user. Those are big numbers but there is still very much peoples who doesn`t use any medias and that gives a good possibility to grow digitalization. Sani also show a video of some company who does these virtual reality instruments. It was cool that when u had those virtual classes on you can see everything in front of your eyes and touch them and read your emails for example.

Second lecture was about how data change b2b sales and marketing. The lecture was kept by Iiro Lamppu who is enterprise team leader, partner at Vainu.  He talked lots about b2b sales but mainly what stayed on my mind was these three possibilitys for online shop. First one was automatic fill of data and base on that a better client experience. Then there was proposition of external data which was related to this Vainu company and third one was internationality of online shops. This lecture wasn`t as good and interesting than Sani Leino`s lecture but still good lecture.

Third lecture was about this company boomerang. They do lots of different kind of distributions. This lecture was only like company introduction and nothing more. Boomerang has production in Tallinn, Estonia and they have domestic and global distribution. They have also more services like pick & pack, return handling, assembling and packing of products, warehousing, B2C & retail, transportation and import & custom services. Boomerang does distribution to 107 countries so they are pretty large company.

Between lectures we went to downstares to eat for free because there was these food fair. That was probably the greatest point off all when I did get all these free pizza slices, hamburgers,icecream and cheesecake oo jee yammi yammi!


So Thursday I was working. I actually worked three days a row on Thursday to Saturday. The workdays was pretty busy beacause Iso Omena started their sale campaing Lohkotut hinnat. Luckily I have very great workbuddies so the weekend was still nice even tho it went as working. Also the weather did make me so happy sun is finally shining! Looking forward to summer and I hope you are too! Aijaaiiijaiii see you next week!:)

Above the law!


this week was a law week. I wasn`t so happy about that because I hate all this kind of law things. Maybe because i really dont understand them and its like heprea to me. I was also feeling a bit sick so my focus wasn`t the best. Anyway our law teacher Marjaana Marmo started the week by talking about code law, common law and islamic based law. After break we talked about Basic legal concepts. First was legal capacity. there finnish law distinguishes between legal capacity and contractual competence. legal capacity precedes contractual competence. The second was contractual competence and after that was limited contractual competence aaaand after that was juridical responsibility. One thing that i remember well was that when you are doing binding contract the main questions to think about is who? how? and when?. Mainly the lecture was just blah blah blah, not because Marmo she kept a good lecture but because these law things just dont get me interested.

After lecture Marjaana gave us a assigment witch needed to be done by Thursday. There was three assigments and I was shocked! But after that shock we started working and it was going well. Its just really fustrating to chearch all those laws and everything but nou broblem homie I got it!

Rest of the week

On Tuesday we had laskiaisappro so that day went in partying. I was still feeling a bit sick so it was a bit hard for me to get that right mood on, but with mint choco everything is possible!! It was lots of fun and we had good group there so BIG UP to nuoret menestyjät! 😀

Wednesday I had a little hangover but that didn`t stop me to do some schoolwork JES! We gather up our team and did those law assigment and swot for the SSM project. Im really proud of my group all of them are really hard working and im lucky to be in this group.

On Thursday we take our law presentation and then we get to go home. That was kind a easy day and luckily no more law things. After school I hurried home to change my outfit and then i get to the work. I was also working on Friday, nothing special just doing my ordinary salesman things 😉

Weekend was nice and easy. I hadn`t any work so I was abel just chill! On Saturday I did my comeback to the football field after two years! That was awesome even tho im tired af right now!:D On Sunday we had my mothers birthday so BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MOM!! ❤ This blog seems to be a bit short but maybe always it doesnt need to be so long:D Hope you had a great week and we will see once again on next week byeeee!!:)


The blog keeps on running! This week was kind a basic week so let`s keep this post pretty simple. No more to say lets move on to the best day off the week haha >>>


 our week started with a one more lecture once again (suprise,suprise). Pekka Tuominen, CEO of digipeople studio told us about Compress and visualize. Digipeople is a small company who have their studio at Lauttasaari and they do different kind of videos. At first Pekka told us How people understand pictures and videos more easier than just a words. Pekka told us that it`s Dynamite duo to combine animation and infographics, it make it so much more visual to share that knowledge. Then we watched some video but I have no idea what was it about..BUT I remember that Pekka think the guy at the video is like a guru to him, so maybe i should have listen more closely..:D Luckily Pekka compress the video afterward and what I did learn from that was that mainthing is to start thinking WHY! The moving was why, how to what! it was cleverly said that peoples dont buy what you do they buy why you do it! After that Pekka started to talk about pre production process and what it need to get started!

Then pekka gave us some assigment. Mainthing was to create a kickass synopsis and moodboard that generates that WOW effect. Synopsis mean that your reader must be able to visualize your story without you beeing present.

We write your synopsis about healthy energy drink celsius. Pekka told that it was good idea to put some slowmotion on the synopsis. Overall the day was good and after the lecture we did a bit our project and get your survey ready!


On Thursday we had guestspeaker Ronja Salmi who has own company and she is a columnist on NYT magazine(and much more I didnt manage to stay on track because Ronja seems to have done so much different things, but those stayed on my mind:D). Ronja spoke about being brave and about her life story. She told couple of tip how to be brave and how to improve that. The lecture wasn`t so easy for me because Ronja didn`t had any slides or anything to show she just spoke and I have been noticing that im having a bit hard time to concentrate and understand all the english. Its better to me if there is some slides that I can read, that help me to understand the subject better. Ronja was really good speaker and she spoke so good english!

Rest of the day went at work! I was on really good mood because I was getting more salary on Friday than I thinked so yeaa yeaa money dance!£€€€$$$$$€€€$£££$€$£$€€€$£$€€$$$$

On Friday I had a dayoff. At the morning we went play some football with my friend ville. We were there like couple of hours and then went to play some fifa and drink beer because we had our football team sauna night on evening! We had really good time! Remember to come see our matches FC Espoo M2 is on their way to the top! hahah

Rest of the weekend includet hangover,schoolworks,familytime and football! so not bad at all:D Hope you had also good week. To the next week AIT!

Personal Best!


Whadap Homeboys! Its your Big Homie Digilari back at it again! I hope this week blogpost is better than the last one! that was pretty lame Im sorry for that! But lets start moving!


we started this week focusing on personal branding. Our teacher Anna Ikonen kept a very good lecture and this time i wasn`t so tired woop! Anna started the lecture by talking about big company`s and what comes in your mind when you hear Coca Cola? That get us to realize that every company make different promises just like you when you are branding yourself.  Its important to remember that your personal brand is combination of your image and reputation. You need to step up and stand out and think what make you different than others. These thinks stayed mainly on my mind.

After this Anna told us about Johari Window, which is a useful tool for undestanding self. There is four different areas where is my public self, my blind spots, my hidden self and my unconscious self.  After that we had a little practise! We write our own name on the paper and gave it to the people on your side who write what kind of a people you are. It was nice to get some compliments early on Monday Morning. I guess I have pretty good personal brand.

I remember there was this one slide where was written that Personal brand is what people say about you when you leave the room! That combine this all pretty well! The most interesting part was when Anna talked about visual side on personal branding. It was nicely say that People want to connect with people and if your name is your brand then your face is your logo. If you are looking through social media you see these blurred and bad pictures which doesn`t help you to increase your brand, its important to have good pictures!! This lecture was so much more interesting than last time, maybe because I slept very well and feel pretty lively on Monday! Its nice to notice how much your vitality effects your studying.


On Monday Anna gave us assigment to take elevator pitch. Elevator pitch is a short sales pitch, that is a summary used to quickly and simply define a process, product, service, organization, or event and its value proposition. Our elevator pitch was for job aplication, So here is link for that: Elevator pitch.  Special thanks to my friends Mikael for shooting and Lithuanian Jussi for helping me with google drive!


on Thursday Anna Ikonen didnt make it to the school at first so our digicoaches kept the lecture for us. First we talked about tips how to be confident and relaxed during presentations. Digicoach Viliina talked about performer, audience and the surroundings. Viliina talked also about what you need to do besides talking, like dont show your back to audience and so on. You might be nervous when you are perfoming so there is couple of thing you need to focus on like gaze, shoulders, hands(dont cover yourself with them). One thing that stayed on my mind is that you need to be interested about audience and take eye contact with them. Viliina kept very good lecture and it was clear that she has done perfoming before at theatre. I find this interesting video about how to take presentation like Steve jobs. I think those tips was also pretty cool so check it out!

Viliina giving it all! BOOM!

After that we had guest speaker who was from company named Vakuutuskettu. They havent launched yet but the lecture was about their new products,witch are about insurances. First we talked about that insurance Products with are according to surveys not interesting but rather complex and difficult to compare. But is about to change that, they compare insurances for you. The main thing that vakuutuskettu tryes to do is make things easier. I thinks this is a good thing because in Finland we dont have any services (or I have never heard them) to comparing insurances. Allthrough this lecture wasn`t so interesting for me so enough with that!:)


Besides school my week has been pretty relaxed and easy, not too much work or school. After school On Thursday  i went to the magnetic resonance imaging to check what`s wrong with my knee. On friday my friend from lithuania was visiting at Finland so we went to Löyly at Helsinki do some school work. I also had nice weekend with my sister we went to bowling and pizzahut. I think meatfeast at pizzahut is one of the best pizza in the world, so delicious! But yeah I manage to go through this week pretty well, I was focused on school and taking easy at home! 

See you next week!:)


Ding Dong!

Holatsu boiboiii!

Hello hello and welcome once again to Digilari blog!:) This week has been pretty normal except I finally got new phone!! At school this week wasnt so interesting for me but there was some good moments also:) so lets get ready to rumble!

No more mondays

So on monday we had two lectures and the first lecture was about social media marketing. I was really tired on that day because I finally tried to watch Super bowl at night first time ever. I though its one of those “have to do in life things”, but i didnt manage to the end, it was tooo hard. So maybe because of that my monday was like blaah and I just wanted to get home.. But back to the lecture!Our lovely teacher Anna Ikonen held it but I have to say I really dont remember much for it:/ ( So Anna if you are reading this im sorry! I was just too tired!) but there was couple interesting videos which get me interested! After that we had another lecture about business and service desing. This women Anu kept good lecture but it just didnt interested me. There was this one picture tho that i remember! There was this iceberg illusion, which showed that peoples doesnt always see how hard work it need to do or make something, all they see is the success but not that what you have done to get there where you at now! that stayed on my mind. I lost all my notes and pictures of this week lectures because of my phone change so Im really having some hard times to remember what we had this week 😦 Also sorry for missing photos..

New Phone finally!

Thursday was o good day! I finally get new phone! I broke my last phone like month ago so thats why this feel pretty good:) I bought iphone 6S and I have been very satisfied with this! We had also lecture on thursday but still no… nothing… I just feel like this:

that picture compress my hole week 😀 But the lecture was about inbound marketing By hubSpot, I just dont have nothing to say for that..

On friday I did something I have never done before! I went to the Nuuksio and filmed some nice nature film:) I told my earlyer post that im interesting on video editing and making films and now when I finally had some good phone and camera there I desiced to do this:) I dowloaded the adobe premiere pro test version and used that for editing! It was good but there is so much different things that you can do so I was a bit confused 😀 If you want to see it you can watch it from my Facebook profile.

I hope next week Ill be more lively and get more from all the lectures! I think this week was a little wake up call for me to be more focused on school! So better luck on next week!:)



Rags to Riche$!


Im in a bit of rush with my another school assigments but Im always ready for you guys so here is my this week blogpost! I was pretty flattered after my last post becouse I got some good feedback and I get to know that I have potential with this so there is only one way now:) I also get some good tips how to make my blog better so hopefully you guys notice some differences:)


This week have been so full of different happenings that I have hard time to even remember them all 😀 But but but put put put hmm on monday we started your new Project and get to know about the Company SSM (suomen suoramainonta) which is the one who we do the Project for. SSM distribute free newspaper like länsiväylä and different kind of junkmail. Their group sales was 45 milj in 2016. I have been working for them as a distributor when I was young but for me that work was so underisable and I quit it after couples of months. Im a bit confused about our Project task but hopefully I understand it better on next week! So for that I really dont have anything more to say, now we just need start working!


On tuesday we went to Laurea leppävaara campus for Network to get work event. There was many good lectures but for me the investing lecture was the best! It was held By some nordnet guy who really get me interested about investing! My sister works at the bank and after the lecture I asked her what she know about investing and I get a bit suprised when she told that she is their investing adviser, so yea she probably knows pretty well haha:D Now Im waiting her to told me some more so I can start investing! The main thing and tip what I learn was to start investing as young as you can! So if you arent yet, you should start!

$$$ With my mind on my money on my money on my mind! (click the link if you dont know the song!) $$$

From the Network to get work event and some enjoynable caffee!


On thursday we had also pretty interesting and very positive lecture! This old original gangster Petteri Avilia talks us about attitude and how you can change and be better you. It was interesting to heard Petteri`s life and how hard it has been and how succesful he is nowadays! Petteri told us that he has been in prison and get stapped and everything like that but now he didnt seem anything like old prisoner. He was very happy and positive, energetic person! His story really get me thinging how people can change and make differens! I also need to give big hand for petteri becouse he told that on that day he probably see his mother last time becouse she`s very sick but still come to keep the lecture for us and after that drive to visit his mom in Turku! That kind of act needs very strong people!!

We also did some work task given By our great digicoach Pyry. The assigment was to provide  Espa`s (Etelä Espoon pallo) marketing. It was nice assigment becouse it was about football and i would love to get more football culture to Espoo! But need to remember that i play in the rival team FC Espoo so no need to help Espa too much ;D After that we went to the freshmans after party!

Pousi and beer!

I feel like this week has been so full of digitalization and eservices that i think i need some break and start to write letters on paper like in good old times 😀 I hope I can get a bit more rest on next week this week was so hurried with school, work and social life. But still this week was pretty cool and I learned much! I put this song here becouse it rapped my digital week pretty well! Lyrics also talks same things that Petteri:) I think i handle the netiketti!

To the next week mates!:)